Austria as a PDF

The basic informationen on Austrian view cards can be found under the category "Austria as a book".

Here, attention is given to the new 2nd issue, only.

This 2nd issue is only available as a PDF. This makes possible to display all cards. Showing all cards in a book format, would have caused printing cost alone of around € 150 per copy. Also, using a PDF allows the reader to use a search function and make navigation more easy. An interactive stock/want list is available with the PDF.

The DVD contains Austria, divided into three volumes with a total of around 1,500 pages

i Introduction and cards of the 1st Republic

ii Cards of the 2nd Republic

iii Cards of the German Reich, specialties, maps, lists of regions, local communities and topical lists

The DVD contains all files and is licensed for use on one electronic device. Copying the DVD and handing it to another person is prohibited under the copyright.

Below, please find some sample pages for a free doemload: (Attention! Files may be big!)


Table of contents



For a free download click here.


The 1S-costumes-cards



For a free download of sample pages click here.


The ground squirrel cards



For a free download of sample pages click here.


The types of the
1st issue

For a free download of sample pages click here.


The list of local municipalites



For a free download of sample pages click here.